
Why You *Need* to Read Fireborne by Rosaria Munda

Why You *Need* to Read Fireborne by Rosaria Munda

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  1. Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication

    This definitely sounds like my kind of book! I love fantasy with a good romance! Adding it to my TBR!

  2. Fern

    Wow! An annotate version of the book. How cool is that! 💕

  3. Stephanie

    So, I listened to the audiobook for the first novel a couple of years ago and could not for the life of me get interested in it! I was so bummed. But I’m beginning to think it was an audiobook thing and not a book thing. I’d like to reread it as a physical book and see if maybe it piques my interest more, because it truly does sound like a series I’d normally love!

  4. Lizzie

    Ooo I haven’t heard of these but it sounds like something my sister would like. Will have to send this post to her!


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